Pleasantly Pink Juice...

This is the most beautiful juice.  I love the pink color and it tastes absolutely scrumptious.  I have been trying to put more raw food into my diet and juicing is a great way to do just that.  You get all of the vitamins and flavors, and it makes your skin glow.  I needed a big boost of vitamin C a few weeks ago and this did the trick.  I snagged a similar recipe from This Rawsome Vegan Life and now I am hooked.

An awesome side effect of juicing is that you crave sugar a whole lot less.  When you do snag a little sugary snack, it tastes way too sweet, and you are stunned at how sugar packed it is.  Juice has a way of resetting your tastebuds.  Let's face it, I need all the resetting I can get to keep me eating healthy and glowing!  Another side effect is energy, oodles of it.  I feel so energized when I juice.  I love that feeling!

As for juicers, I don't have the million dollar juicer.  I have a mid-grade one that does the trick.  One day I hope to have the one that dances on your counter and sings while it juices, I am hoping it folds laundry too.  A juicer is an investment that I can justify.  It makes a huge difference in your health.  I am a big advocate for nutrition; juicing is so packed with life and nutrition, there is no way you can go wrong...

adapted from This Rawsome Vegan Life

1 beet
1 cucumber
2 apples
2 oranges
1 lemon
3 tomatoes 
handful of mint
2 sticks of celery
2 slices of pineapple
2 carrots 
1-inch knob of fresh ginger

Wash, chop, peel produce as necessary.  
Juice, drink, and GLOW!


  1. Your posts are wonderful! I will try this juice shortly.


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