French Green Lentil Soup
I get a little nutty after Christmas, I have to clean everything, scrub everything, start the New Year off right. Along with cleaning the house comes cleaning the body and the mind. Our house is mostly vegetarian, if you can really use the term "mostly" connected to vegetarian. We eat meat, milk, or butter about once a week; instead of "Meatless Monday" we have "Meat Sunday". The rest of the week, we are dedicated vegetarians and we sometimes actually err closer to vegan than vegetarian. No animal products, mostly raw food, and whole foods. Don't get me wrong, I don't have the energy to really commit to being vegan, but we try to get as close to it as we can. With all of the post-holiday cleaning and madness, I always get hungry for soup, and I really love lentil soup. It is easy, vegetarian, wholesome and I always feel great after I eat it. It's not raw, but on cold winter days, I really gravitate to soup. It's great with a ...