Setting Up a Chick Nursery...
We got new chicks about two and half weeks ago, 25 peeping baby Speckled Sussex, and one unknown rare breed. Murray McMurray adds a rare breed mystery chick to your order. I think this is so fun, and a great way to get people interested in breeds other than the standard Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. There are many endangered and breeds that could use a little "advertising", most are great layers and can be used for meat. Ours is likely a Blue Andalusian, the boys have named her "Miss Blue", and of course she is the favorite chick because she is different and easy to recognize. We went with Speckled Sussex this year because my oldest farm hand is smitten with the breed. He draws them non-stop. You should have seen his face when he came home from school to hear his Sussex chicks peeping as he walked through the door. He was elated and is still smitten. He loves their "spots" on their wings. The breed is out of Britain a...