YeeHaw, It's Halloween...

We had a great Halloween, and hope the same for all of you out there.  We hope you found that Halloween spirit and ran with it, because we ran a Marathon with our Halloween spirit this week.  I love Halloween, and I have since I was a kid.  My mom always made it so much fun.  We had pizza parties at the Rancher's house next door and carved out our creations on pumpkins all night long, we won face painting contests, costume contests, pumpkin contests, you name it, we won it.  We had the most creative costumes... one year I was a mailbox with a mail door that opened to my face.  It was always the best holiday.  Now as a mom, I am trying to bring that same love to my children, and I hope that it rubs off!  

This year, we did a lot of carving just as a family... no huge party (which was relaxing and easy...).  It was refreshing to spend time just the four of us carving away, just like how we used to before we had kids.  However, this year the kids did their own pumpkins and they really got into it...

We got back to our homemade costumes this year... which was fun.  I loved making the minion costumes for the boys.  

Wayne ended up being a wrangler.  He has that "don't mess with me, I'm the dad" look...

This is where the real craziness began...

Whoopie girl or rodeo queen?  Actually I was the self-proclaimed "Miss Rodeo Kaysville", during my one night reign I was outspoken for "city peace and a safe and happy place for children and horses alike to run as free as the wind..." 

But then, Miss Rodeo Kaysville met her mother, the Hot Sheriff of Layton and it all went downhill from there...  Okay, we are just weird, but at least we had fun and laughed until we couldn't breathe anymore!  Brace yourself...

Happy trails, we hope that your Halloween was as fun and crazy as ours!  We hope next year is even more fun, we have some great ideas we are cooking up all ready!!!

Miss Rodeo Kaysville


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