Out With the Old and In With Some Love...
Goodbye 2013. Helloooo 2014. You're a beautiful sight! Happy New Year to y'all. I am hoping that 2014 is fantastic, I am feeling that it will be... deep down in my farmgal bones. 2013 looked like this: we made some major progress on the farm, we added two goats and a sheep to our party (and let me tell you how I love those goats and that sweet sheep - I can now say that my life is complete), I learned a ton, made some big cowgirl strides in a few areas I needed to work on, we made some new friends, lost a few too, we lost a few people in our family and I am still missing them, we gained strength and knowledge, and opened our hearts to light and love. I am not one for a whole lot of resolution making, I think I set myself up for failure every time. I have had some goals for myself that I have been working on: reaching out to those around me that need a little extra love, yelling in my pillow instead of yelling at my house-destroying-tornado-like-never-stop-t...