Charadrius vociferus...

Tucked away in the vegetable cover crop study was a sweet little something.  No fluff, no sticks or twigs, just a depression in the soil.  At first two speckled eggs and a crazy neurotic bird screeching and playing dead simultaneously (still not sure how she did that).  Long legs and a cute little run.  Mama killdeer (Charadrius vociferous) did everything to distract me as I approached her little clutch.  

A week later, I braved the shrieking to find four eggs, all tucked together, bits of dried grass tucked around the eggs.  Softness.  This time, a much more crazy bird, flapping furiously while she laid on her side.  Like she was dying and she knew I was soft hearted and I would help.  Silly bird, instead of running to her, I snapped a photo of her soon-to-be family.  

Buckwheat growing up all around the depression, each time I peeked it became more difficult to find as the plant cover grew taller and taller.  Then one day, three naked and helpless babies.  Egg number four never hatched, it became food for scavengers.  With a mother becoming more and more neurotic, I never snapped a photo of the babies.  A week later, I returned to peek and they were gone.  Possibly into the millet to hide and stay safe.  Let's hope...


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